Want to know how split-second decisions on the basketball court can translate into game-changing strategies in the boardroom?
Get ready because we're about to cover the incredible journey of Tommy Short, a former D1 Men's Basketball Referee turned Keynote Speaker and Executive Coach. It's a story of resilience, excellence, and life lessons that will leave you inspired and ready to elevate your mindset to new heights.

Tommy's Transition: From the Court to the Boardroom

Imagine going from making calls on the court to influencing strategies in the corporate world. Tommy Short did just that. His journey from officiating basketball games to empowering teams and executives is nothing short of remarkable. Join me as we uncover the secrets behind his seamless transition and the lessons learned along the way..

Lessons from Legends: Kobe Bryant's Influence

Kobe Bryant wasn't just a basketball icon; he was a mindset master. And Tommy Short had a front-row seat to witness Kobe's dedication up close. In our conversation, we'll explore how Kobe's relentless pursuit of excellence influenced Tommy's approach to success, both on and off the court.

Unlocking the Power of Mental Resilience

One of the key takeaways from Tommy's journey is the importance of mental resilience. We'll delve into how Tommy's experiences taught him to navigate challenges, set high standards, and achieve success in every aspect of life. Get ready to discover practical strategies for turning pressure into your greatest asset.

Game-Changing Insights: Elevating Your Performance

Are you ready to take your performance to the next level? Tommy Short's insights are game-changers. From mastering the fundamentals to embracing mental resilience, Tommy's approach to thinking better to perform better will reshape your mindset and empower you to achieve greatness
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